Juvenile Fiction

Anna-The Ice Castles
Anna-Daisy Dreamer and the world of make-believe
Anna-The not-so-pretty pixies
Anna-Pop goes the bubble trouble
Anna-Posey, the class pest
Anna-Sparkle Fairies and the Imaginaries
Anna-The Wishing-well spell
Burnham-Teddy Mars
Butler-King & Kayla and the case of the lost tooth
Cheverton-Invasion of the overworld
DiCamillio-Eugenia Lincoln and the unexpected package
DiCamillio-Where are you going, Baby Lincoln
Dougherty-Stinkbomb and Ketchup-face and the quest for the magic porcupine
Easley-The Hotel Between
Fry-The Rise of Earth
Gannon-The Doldrums and the Helmsley curse
Green-Football Champ
Hale-The Princess n Black and the hungry bunny horde
Hanlon-Dory Dory Black Sheep
Hannigan-Winter Wonders
Hegarty-Hero Rising
Kelly-A Prickly problem
Kraatz-Dark side of the moon
Lerangis-80 days or die
Marko-Heroes on the side
Maas-Robin Hood :the one who looked good in green
McMullen-Power Play
Mlynowski-Dragon overnight
Nielsen-Wrath of the storm
O’Connor-Nancy Clancy, Soccer mania
Oh-the Island of Monsters
Patterson-Robot revolution
Riley-Worlds apart
Tueit-The Nebula secret
Mass-The Seventh element (Voyagers)
Wiley-Danger at the haunted gate

Juvenile Non Fiction
Fredericks-Tall, tall tree
Furstinger-unstoppable : True stories of amazing bionic animals
White-2019 Game on! : the only gaming annual you need
Palacio-365 Days of Wonder : Mr. Browne’s Book of Precepts
Hopkinson- Ordinary, extraordinary Jane Austen : the story of six novels, three notebooks,                           a writing box and one clever girl
Hopkinson-The WWII invasion that changed history