December 9th, 2024

Board Members Present: Jane Holechek, Tanya Lewis, Shannon Smelley, Marva Ellwanger, Steven DeWitt

Also Present: Amanda Eastin, Naomi Young, Sandy Nelson, Heather Rohm, Eileen Nightingale, Nancy Sanders, Autumn Ramirez, David Scott, Derek Rohm, Forrest Hershberger, Joey Straber, Jesse Nelson

Absent: N/A

Meeting called to order at: 4:02pm

Affidavit of Publication in the Sidney Sun Telegraph
Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act

Friends Report given by: Nancy Sanders

Approval of Minutes: Jane Holechek made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 12th, 2024 meeting, Shannon Smelley seconded the motion.

     APPROVED:  All

Questions were raised about the transaction detail report Naomi Young provided the board members. It was different in layout than previous ones provided. Naomi explained that everything was correct, it was just a different format because the previous report was not adding the numbers up for the bookkeeper at the city, and she was having to manually add all of the numbers up every month. Amanda Eastin stated she was not made aware of a change in report format, nor had she given her permission for one to be made. Everyone was still questioning the numbers. Steven DeWitt explained the layout to everyone.

Financial Reports and Bills: After the confusion of the new report was fixed, Shannon made a motion to approve the bills for November 2024, Steven seconded the motion


Old Business:

Steven made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 7th, 2024 meeting. Marva seconded the motion, none opposed, motion carried.

New Business: Eileen Nightingale spoke for Sandy Nelson, asking if there was a policy that 2 people had to be in the building during open hours. Jane Holechek asked if she had a policy book? It was stated it was not in the policy book. Amanda Eastin said it was not a policy, but a rule that she herself put into place and enforces for the safety of the staff. The board chose to leave that up to the discretion of the library director, and stated it would be considered as part of the staffs job duties.

The Virigina Smith Room occupancy limit was  brought up, as the limit has not been changed in the policy book. The policy book currently states that only 12 people can be in there at a time, but the most recent inspection states that with the remodeling done, 24 can be in the room. David Scott suggested that we state that the occupancy will remain in compliance with the state ordinance.

Autumn Ramirez let us know that anything changed in our policy going forward has to be taken to the city council to be approved.

Jane made a motion to go into closed session at 4:19pm, Shannon seconded the motion.

Open session resumed at 5:09pm

The board made a motion to accept the resignation of library director Amanda Eastin. Motion seconded, none opposed, motion carried.

There will be a mandatory staff meeting Thursday, December 12th, 2024 @ 4:00pm

NEXT REGULAR MEETING: January 13th, 2025  


Sidney Public Library
December 9th, 2024

Board Members Present: Jane Holechek, Tanya Lewis, Shannon Smelley, Marva Ellwanger, Steven DeWitt
 Also Present:  Amanda Eastin, Naomi Young, Heather Rohm, Eileen Nightingale, Sandy Nelson, Derek Rohm, Jesse Nelson, Joey Straber
     Absent: None

  Meeting called to order at: 5:10pm

Affidavit of Publication in the Sidney Sun Telegraph
Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act

Approval of Minutes: Jane Holechek made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 12th, 2024 meeting, Shannon seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.  

Financial Reports and Bills:  Steven DeWitt made a motion to approve the bills for November 2024 to be paid, Marva seconded

Approved: All

Old Business: Marva Ellwanger motioned to approve the minutes from the October 7th, 2024 board meeting. Steven seconded, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

New Business:   


NEXT REGULAR MEETING: January 13th, 2025