Newly arrived Large Print titles at the Library

The Alphabet House  —  Jussi Adler-Olsen
An Appetite for Violets  —  Martine Bailey
Her Name is Rose  —  Christine Breen
A Necessary End  —  Holly Brown
The Perfume Garden  —  Kate Lord Brown
The Well  —  Catherine Chanter
The Cat Sitter’s Whiskers  —  Blaize & John Clement
Darkness the Color of Snow  —  Thomas Cobb
Outline  —  Rachel Cusk
Lost & Found  —  Brooke Davis
The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest  —  Melanie Dickerson
Sisters of Heart and Snow  —  Margaret Dilloway
The Red Eagles  —  David Downing
Night Night, Sleep Tight  —  Hallie Ephron
Last Days of the Condor  —  James Grady
My Father’s Wives  —  Mike Greenberg
The Forever Bridge  —  T. Greenwood
The Evidence Room —  Cameron Harvey
The Stranger She Loved  —  Shanna Hogan
Girl Underwater  —  Claire Kells
A Billion Ways to Die  —  Chris Knopf
Lip Reading  —  Harry Kraus
Master Thieves  —  Stephen Kurkjian
No Good Like It Is  —  McKendree Long
Dog Soldier Moon  —  McKendree Long
Crime in the Big Easy  —  Deborah Lynne
Long Upon the Land  —  Margaret Maron
Fear the Darkness  —  Becky Mastmerman
Palace of Treason  —  Jason Matthews
Those Girls  —  Chevy Stevens
Watch Me Go  —  Mark Wisniewski