Agee  —  Lion Lessons
Ashburn  —  The Class
Birdsall  —  My Favorite Pet by Gus W. for Ms. Smolinski’s class
Susan Hood  —  Mission: Back to School
Curtis Manley  —  The Summer Nick Taught His Cats to Read
Claire Messer  —  Grumpy Pants
Zachariah OHora  —  The Not So Quiet Library
Antoinette Portis  —  Best Frints in the Whole Universe
Stephen savage  —  The Mixed-Up Truck
Judy Sierra  —  Make Way for Readers
Mary Tillworth  —  King for a Day
Jane Yolen  —  How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends
Amy Young  —  A Unicorn Named Sparkle


Martha Brockenbrough  — Shark Week
Andrea Buchanan  —  The Daring Book for Girls
Derek Harvey  —  Sharks and other Deadly Ocean Creatures
Sandra Markle  —  The Great Leopard Rescue
Time for Kids Almanac, 2017
Amanda Wood  —  Natural World


Chris Colfer  —  The Land of Stories : an Author’s Odyssey
Polly Faber  —  The Not-a-Pig
Denis Markell  —  Click Here to Start
Wendy Mass  —  Rapunzel : The One With All the Hair
Geronimo Stilton  —  Four Mice Deep in the Jungle
Geronimo Stilton  —  I’m Too Fond of My Fur
Geronimo Stilton  —  Paws Off Cheddarface
Geronimo Stilton  —  Red Pizzas for a Blue Count
Tim Tharp  —  The Spectacular Now