Brooks-The Black Elfstone
Butland-The Lost for Words Bookshop
Byron-A Cajun Christmas Killing
Coble-The House at Saltwater Point
Constantine-The Last Mrs. Parrish
Copperman-Edited Out
Dailey-Texas Free
De los Santos-I’ll be your blue sky
Graham-Pale as death
Grant-The Daisy Children
Harris-Life according to Perfect
Higgins-Good luck with that
Honeyman-Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine
Hummel-Still lives
Johansen-Look behind you
Johnson-Depth of Winter
King-Whisper me this
Kirk-Code of Justice
Kirk-Code of Pride
Kirk-Code of Vengeance
Krueger-Desolation mountain
Kubica-When the lights go out
Lapena-An unwanted guest
MacNeal-The Prisoner in the Castle
Mayer-Fury of a phoenix
Miranda-The Perfect Stranger
Muller-The Breakers
Noblin-Just Fine with Caroline
Nugent-Lying in Wait
Patterson-The Texas Border
Patterson-King of Queens
Pekkanen-The ever after
Quick-The Girl who knew too much
Regan-Little Big Love
Rimmer-Before I let you go
Robb-Leverage in Death
Ryan-Hong Kong Black
Shipman-The Hope Chest
Slaughter-Pieces of her
Stage-Baby Teeth
Newport-Peace like a river (Sugarcreek Amish Mysteries)
Swain-The King Tides
Tolkien-The Fall of Gondolin
Tracy-The Guilty Dead
Turney-Daughter of war
Ward-Where the Line Bleeds
Warren-Storm Front
Williams-The Summer Wives
Woods-The Money Shot
Noel-Barrel-aged stout and selling out:Goose Island, Anheuser-Busch, and how craft beer
became big business
Graham-Through my Father’s eyes
Woodward-Fear: Trump in the White House
Meacham-The Soul of America : The battle of our better Angels
Pirro-Liars, Leakers , and Liberals : the case against the anti-Trump conspiracy