Serving all of Cheyenne County

Author: Amanda (Page 17 of 17)

National Library Week

Communities nationwide will celebrate the contributions of libraries and library workers during National Library Week, April 13-19, 2014. This year’s theme is “Lives Change @ your library.”

Libraries provide enrichment, enlightenment and entertainment, with free access to books, digital media and online resources. In challenging economic times, they also offer opportunity, with business centers that help support entrepreneurship and retraining.

April 15 is National Library Workers Day, a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.

On April 16, National Bookmobile Day celebrates our nation’s bookmobiles and the dedicated library professionals who provide this valuable and essential service to their communities every day.

April 17 is Celebrate Teen Literature Day, which raises awareness among the general public that young adult literature is a vibrant, growing genre with much to offer today’s teens.






Valentine Crafts


Children’s Valentine Crafts

Saturday, February 8th


@ Sidney Public Library 

Children ages 7-11 (grades 2-5)

are welcome to attend

Space is limited

Call 254-3110 to sign up

Toddler Tales/Storytime

Toddler Tales will begin Wednesday, January 8, 2014 starting at 10:15 AM
Ages 2 -3
Please call the Library 254-3110 to sign your child up.

StoryTime will begin Thursday, January 9, 2014 starting at 10:15 AM
Ages 4-5
Please call the Library at 254-3110 to sign your child up.

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