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Author: Amanda (Page 11 of 17)

Board/Foundation meetings April 2016

Sidney Public Library Board
April 11, 2016

Board Members Present: Sandy White, Kelley Dible, Michelle Onstott, Libby Soucie and Amy Riggs .
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Eileen Nightingale and Franki Beeken
Meeting called to order at: 4:05 pm.
Friends Report given by: Sherm.

  • National Library week is this week. Friends group is supplying coffee and cookies and brought in lunch for the staff.


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2016 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Libby.

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Amy to approve the bills for the March 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy.

Old Business:

  • Sherm passed all his comps.
  • Board approved proceeding with the work on the Smith Room.

New Business:

  • The board will be watching short videos to help meet the recommended CE hours for board certification.
  • Eileen, Franki, Sandy and Stephanie all attended the PLA conference in Denver April 6-8 and reported on activities they attended


Next regular meeting will be held May 9, 2016. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:30.

Sidney Public Foundation
April 11, 2016
Board Members Present: Sandy White, Kelley Dible, Michelle Onstott, Libby Soucie, and Amy Riggs.
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Eileen Nightingale and Franki Beeken.
Meeting called to order at: 4:30 pm.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Amy to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2016 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Amy.

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Michelle to approve the bills for the March 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Libby.

Old Business:

New Business:

  • A motion was made by Amy to proceed with Smith Room renovations. The motion was seconded by Libby. 

Next regular meeting will be held May 9, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:35.


Board/Foundation Minutes March 14, 2016


Sidney Public Library Board
March 14, 2016

Board Members Present: Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Amy Riggs
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika and Anne Marie Gilmore Absent: Michelle Onstott, Libby Soucie
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by: Sherm.

  • Dr. Seuss’s birthday was a huge success.


Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Amy.

Financial Reports and bills:  A motion was made by Amy to approve the bills for the February 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy.

Old Business:

  • Weeding is still ongoing in the non-fiction section.

New Business:

  • Book sale total for February $245.40
  • Sherm has been appointed to the Kids Plus board.
  • We plan to advertise Zinio and One Click Digital in the next month. They are new databases for downloadable magazines and audio books.


Next regular meeting will be held April 11, 2016. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:30.

Sidney Public Foundation
March 14, 2016
Board Members Present: Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Amy Riggs.
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, and Anne Marie Gilmore. Absent: Michelle Onstott, Libby Soucie.
Meeting called to order at: 4:30 pm.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2016 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Amy.

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the bills for the February 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Amy.

Old Business:

  • Received bids from Sidney Glass and Scott Nienhuser for work to be done in the Smith Room.

New Business:

Next regular meeting will be held April 11, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:50.

Board/Foundation Minutes February 8, 2016

Sidney Public Library Board
February 8, 2016

Board Members Present: Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Libby Soucie. Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Eileen Nightingale, Sandy Nelson and Amy Riggs.
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by: N/A
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2016 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Michelle.
Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Michelle to approve the bills for the January 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Libby.
Old Business:

  • Sherm and Amy Riggs are on the agenda for the City Council Meeting for her approval on the board. Amy will finish Vickie’s term that expires December 2016
  • Still waiting for the bid for work to be done in Smith Room.
  • There still has been no response from Day and Night Plumbing regarding the roof damage.

New Business:

  • Book sale total for January $251.65.
  • Work is being continued on the Non Fiction weeding.
  • Sherm updated lighting and hung posters in the restroom hallway and removed wiring poles for computers. Wireless cards were installed for those computers.
  • A motion was made by Sandy to leave the Panhandle Library Consortium and run our own instance of Alexendria. The motion was seconded by Michelle.
    Approved: All
  • Sherm will take a week of vacation to finish his comps in March.


Next regular meeting will be held March 14, 2016. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:35.

Sidney Public Foundation
February 8, 2016

Board Members Present: Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Libby Soucie. Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Sandy Nelson, Eileen Nightingale and Amy Riggs.
Meeting called to order at: 4:35 pm.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Michelle to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2016 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Libby.

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the bills for the January 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Libby.

Old Business:

New Business:

Next regular meeting will be held March 14, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:45.


Board/Foundation/Annual Minutes Jan 2016

Sidney Public Library Board
January 11, 2016
Board Members Present: Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Vickie Ryder. Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Eileen Nightingale and Amy Riggs.
Absent: Libby Soucie.
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by: N/A
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2015 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Vickie .

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Vickie to approve the bills for the December 2015 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy.

Old Business:

  • The Board approved Amy Riggs to replace Vickie Ryder on the Board. Sherm will submit her name to the City Council for approval.

New Business:

  • Annual Report was given by Sherm. (copies were given to board)
  • All adult cassettes and videos have been withdrawn. Videos were donated to the nursing home. Patrons gave donations for some of the cassettes.
  • PLA convention is coming up in April. Sherm hopes to send at least 4 staff members.

 Next regular meeting will be held February 8, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

Sidney Public Foundation
January 11, 2016
Board Members Present: Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Vickie Ryder. Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Eileen Nightingale and Amy Riggs.
Absent: Libby Soucie.
Meeting called to order at: 4:45 pm.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2015 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Vickie .

Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Vickie to approve the bills for the December 2015 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy.

Old Business:
New Business:

  • A motion was made by Michelle for Sherm to replace some of the tops of bookshelves that need to be replaced. The motion was seconded by Vickie.

Next regular meeting will be held February 8, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:

Annual Meeting
January 11, 2016

Board Members Present:  Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible and Vickie Ryder. Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, and Amy Riggs.
Absent: Libby Soucie.
Meeting called to order at: 4:50 pm. 

Sherm gave the financial audit on report on behalf of Libby and all was in order. A motion was made by Michelle to approve the audit. The motion was seconded by Sandy.

Vickie made a motion that Sandy White take over as Vice President and the other officers remain the same. The motion was seconded by Michelle.

  • President-Kelley Dible
  • Vice-President-Sandy White
  • Treasurer-Libby Soucie

The next meeting will be held in January 2017
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 pm.



Board/Foundation Minutes Dec. 2015

Sidney Public Library Board
December 14, 2015
Board Members Present: Libby Soucie, Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible.
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Vickie Morlock and Franki Beeken.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by: N/A
Approval of minutes: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the  November 9 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Michelle.
Approved:  All
Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Libby to approve the bills for           November. The motion was seconded by Sandy.
Approved:  All
Old business:
There is still furniture available in the Smith room.
New business:
The Board was shown the changes that have taken place in the Library. New paint and posters in the children’s area. Books have been shifted and merged into one section. The book sale has been cleaned up and additional shelving has been added.
Online magazine and new website is scheduled to be in use the end of January.
Storage unit is close to being cleaned out.
A new version of Quick books was purchased.
Sherm is engaged with a group looking at a Community Maker Space modeled after the UNL Innovation camp.
The E-rate forms have been filed for the upcoming year.
NLC survey has been completed.
Next regular meeting will be held January 11, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

Sidney Public Library
Sidney Public Library Foundation
December 14, 2015

A meeting of the Sidney Public Library Foundation was held at 4:45 on December 14 2015. Board members present: Sandy White, Michelle Onstott, Kelley Dible and Libby Soucie.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Also present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Vickie Morlock, Frankie Beeken and Stephanie Mika.
Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Michelle to approve minutes of the November 9, 2015 meeting.  The  motion was seconded by Libby. Approved: All
Financial report and bills: A motion was made Michelle to approve the bills of the November meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy. Approved: All
Old Business
New Business:
Sandy made a motion to approve for Sherm to seek out bids to put in a window and get rid of the false doors in the Smith Room. The motion was seconded by Libby.
Approved: All
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5.00.
The next regular meeting will be held on January 11, 2015.









Board/Foundation Minutes Nov 2015

Sidney Public Library Board
October 13, 2015

Board Members Present: Libby Soucie, Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible .
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika and guest, Amy Riggs.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by:
Edible book entries are due Saturday October 17 by 10:30. Judging will be held at noon.
Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Michelle to approve the bills for September. The motion was seconded by Sandy. Approved: All
Approval of minutes:  A motion was made by Libby to approve the minutes of the        September 14 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy. Approved: All
Old business:
A motion was made by Sandy to amend Internet Safety and Use policy to not require parental permission for minors to use the internet computers. The motion was seconded by Libby. This policy will be reviewed after 90 days. Approved: All
New business: 
Head start dinner on the 6th was a success. Changes will be made to next year’s dinner. Bookmobile will have repairs done in October.
Sherm is on a committee to promote tech and broad band support in rural areas in Nebraska.
Vickie, Franki and Sherm will attend the NLA conference in Lincoln October 14-16.

**The Board adjourned at 4:45 to proceed to the Foundation meeting.  The Board resumed for closed session to discuss staff evaluation at 4:55. A Motion was made by Libby and seconded by Michelle to go into closed session. Approved: All

Next regular meeting will be held November 9, 2015.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:34.

Sidney Public Library
Sidney Public Library Foundation
October 13, 2015
A meeting of the Sidney Public Library Foundation was held at 4:45 on October 13, 2015. Board members present: Sandy White, Michelle Onstott, Kelley Dible  and Libby Soucie.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Also present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika and guest, Amy Riggs. Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Michelle to approve minutes of the September 2015 meeting.    The motion was seconded by Libby. Approved: All Financial report and bills:  A motion was made by Libby to approve the bills of the September 2015 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Sandy. Approved: All
Old Business:
New Business:
Runza Great Books for Great Kids presented the Sidney Public Library with a check for $464.76 to be used for children’s books.
Memorial funds for Zella Belle Schmale will be donated to the library for children’s books.
The next regular meeting will be held on November 9, 2015.
here being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:55. 

Board/Foundation Minutes Oct. 2015

Sidney Public Library Board
September 14, 2015
Board Members Present: Libby Soucie, Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible, and Vickie Ryder.
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Sandy Nelson, Franki Beeken, and Stephanie Mika.
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by:  N/A
Approval of minutes: A motion was made by Vickie to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2015 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Sandy.             Approved:  All
Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Vickie to approve the bills for August 2015. The motion was seconded by Michelle.            Approved:  All
Old business: 
New business:
A motion was made by Libby to close until 1:00 October 3 so staff could enjoy the parade. The motion was seconded by Vickie.
Sherm will be doing his practicum in Gering in September and October.
Time Limit Manager has been downloaded to all computers. This program keeps usage statistics.
The bookmobile will have repairs done in October.
The large print western collection has been merged together in one section. Hopefully this winter all large print and paperback books will be merged together.
Sherm received word that our Strategic plan looks good and will continue to work on for the 2016 accreditation year.
The furniture in the Smith Room and the furniture from the storage shed is available. We will try to bring it to the Library and sell it at the book sale.
The Board will decide if we should still require parent’s permission in order for a minor to use the internet. It will also be decided if patrons will need a library/valid ID to use a computer.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:40. The next regular meeting will be held October 13, 2015.

Sidney Public Library
Sidney Public Library Foundation
A meeting of the Sidney Public Library Foundation was held at 4:40 on September 14, 2015

Board members present: Vickie Ryder, Sandy White, Michelle Onstott, Kelley Dible and Libby Soucie.
Also present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, and Stephanie Mika
Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Michelle to approve minutes of the August Meeting. The motion was seconded by Libby.  Approved: All
Financial report and bills:            N/A
Old Business:
New Business:
Sherm will be applying for the following grants. C.A. Story and Thompson grant. We are requesting funds to by a flat screen television to be used as an electronic bulletin board, 2 monitors and 2 stands.
The Foundation received $1,100 in donations in October.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:50. The next regular meeting will be held on October 14, 2015.





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