January 13th, 2025
Board Members Present: Marva Ellwanger, Tanya Lewis, Steven DeWitt
Also Present: Naomi Young, Heather Rohm, Autumn Ramirez, David Scott, Nancy Sanders
Absent: N/A
Meeting called to order at: 4:00pm
Affidavit of Publication in the Sidney Sun Telegraph
Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act
Friends Report given by: Nancy Sanders
Comments from the public:
Michelle Haun from Keep Sidney Beautiful asked if they could host open mic night at the library April 26th. It would be open for people to share their poetry and creative writing. She asked if it would be better during or after library hours, the event usually lasts 1.5 to 2 hours long. Discussion took place of what would be best, Naomi suggested during business hours since Saturdays are generally slower, but asked that all staff could be involved in that decision making. Approval was given for the open mic night to be held at the library, with time to be determined.
Comments from staff:
Naomi asked the board if we could purchase a portable washing machine for the rags used to clean the books. Autumn explained that right now they are being taken home and washed, which in turn has to give us compensatory time. The board approved the purchase of a washing machine. Naomi let the board know she is working on the Bibliostat survey for the library. Staff also asked what they could do with the newspaper machine that was out front blocking the handicap buttons the doors. It is in the garage for now. The board does not care what is done with it, or what it is used for. We asked if we could get a replacement light cover for the one that fell off and broke in the hallway to the public restrooms. David said he would have Marshall, the building inspector, come and take a look at that, as well as the lighting in the staff restroom. Naomi let the board, David, and Autumn know that our cleaning person was told she would be getting a raise at the beginning of the year. She also agreed to start shampooing the carpets.
Approval of Minutes: Steven DeWitt made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 9th, 2024 meeting, Marva Ellwanger seconded.
Financial Reports and Bills: Steven DeWitt made a motion to approve the bills for December 2024, Marva Ellwanger seconded.
Old Business:
Amend IRS fee so that it comes out of the city budget
New Business:
Autumn Ramirez said Rob Jackson of the electrical department found a light for the back parking lot area of the library. Board approved the purchase of this light.
Tanya Lewis asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel. Steven motioned, Marva seconded, motion carried at 4:35pm. Meeting moved to the City offices.
Meeting was resumed at 5:04pm.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: February 10th, 2025
Sidney Public Library
January 13th, 2025
Board Members Present: Tanya Lewis, Steven DeWitt, Marva Ellwanger
Also Present: Naomi Young
Absent: None
Meeting called to order at: 5:04pm
Affidavit of Publication in the Sidney Sun Telegraph
Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act
Approval of Minutes: Marva Ellwanger made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 9th, 2024 meeting, Steven seconded the motion.
Financial Reports and Bills: None
Approved: N/A
Old Business: Tanya will email the president of the Thompson Foundation to see what we can do with the grant check they sent to us to purchase a new copy machine that we do not need. Naomi had emailed the board earlier in the month about the check, and let them know that we do not need the funds for a new copier.
New Business:
Naomi will file the non-profit renewal paperwork online.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: February 10th, 2025