Sidney Public Library Board
December 14, 2015
Board Members Present: Libby Soucie, Michelle Onstott, Sandy White, Kelley Dible.
Also Present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Stephanie Mika, Vickie Morlock and Franki Beeken.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Meeting called to order at: 4:00 pm.
Friends Report given by: N/A
Approval of minutes: A motion was made by Sandy to approve the minutes of the  November 9 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Michelle.
Approved:  All
Financial Reports and bills: A motion was made by Libby to approve the bills for           November. The motion was seconded by Sandy.
Approved:  All
Old business:
There is still furniture available in the Smith room.
New business:
The Board was shown the changes that have taken place in the Library. New paint and posters in the children’s area. Books have been shifted and merged into one section. The book sale has been cleaned up and additional shelving has been added.
Online magazine and new website is scheduled to be in use the end of January.
Storage unit is close to being cleaned out.
A new version of Quick books was purchased.
Sherm is engaged with a group looking at a Community Maker Space modeled after the UNL Innovation camp.
The E-rate forms have been filed for the upcoming year.
NLC survey has been completed.
Next regular meeting will be held January 11, 2016.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

Sidney Public Library
Sidney Public Library Foundation
December 14, 2015

A meeting of the Sidney Public Library Foundation was held at 4:45 on December 14 2015. Board members present: Sandy White, Michelle Onstott, Kelley Dible and Libby Soucie.
Absent: Vickie Ryder
Also present: Andrew Sherman, Library Director, Vickie Morlock, Frankie Beeken and Stephanie Mika.
Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Michelle to approve minutes of the November 9, 2015 meeting.  The  motion was seconded by Libby. Approved: All
Financial report and bills: A motion was made Michelle to approve the bills of the November meeting. The motion was seconded by Sandy. Approved: All
Old Business
New Business:
Sandy made a motion to approve for Sherm to seek out bids to put in a window and get rid of the false doors in the Smith Room. The motion was seconded by Libby.
Approved: All
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5.00.
The next regular meeting will be held on January 11, 2015.